Together we achieve great things

Would you like to shape the mobility of the future and have an influence on what our mobility of tomorrow will look like? Would you like to be part of something bigger and be there when innovations and trends emerge?

Registration Studydatabase

All of our studies focus on mobility topics. Whether a new vehicle or the handling of new systems in and around the vehicle is evaluated or tested depends on the individual study. For our studies, depending on the topic and content, we are looking for test subjects (participants) with very different characteristics, for example people with a lot or little driving experience. After registering for the test person database, you will receive a confirmation email from us with a link that you must use to confirm your inclusion in our database. We will contact you whenever your profile matches one of our current studies. It is therefore possible that you will not receive any e-mails from us for some time after registering. You will receive all important information about the current study, such as the time required and content, in the individual request for participation that we send to you. For most studies, there is also an expense allowance, which you will also be informed of in the participation request. You can decide whether the current study is of interest to you and whether you would like to make an appointment for your participation.

Contact Details
Please tell us yor firstname.
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Contact details

The e-mail address you provide will not only be used by us to contact you for study inquiries, but also for identification purposes in the event of inquiries from your side. Please enter a personal e-mail address to which you have permanent access. If possible, please use an e-mail address that you do not share with anyone else.

Please tell us your contact e-mailadress.
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.000 km
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Very rarely, the participants' previous knowledge of certain topics is also relevant for us.

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Bitte zutreffendes auswählen

Previous experience with certain driver assistance systems is generally not necessary for participation in our studies, but may in rare cases be a participation criterion for some of our studies.
Please select which of the following assistance systems you have already gained driving experience with (more than one-time use).

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All health information is voluntary. However, we sometimes need this information for studies to select suitable subjects.

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You must accept the declaration of consent to continue.

  • Registration as an interesent for the test person database of fka;
  • Selection suitable participants according to the requirements of the study design;
  • Contact and invitation to upcoming studies as well as for subsequent querying of further criteria;
  • Disclosure of required data (e.g. name, E-Mail adress) to customers of fka for the purpose of conducting a study; data will only be passed on if I have previously explicitly agreed to participate in the specific study.

My consent also expressly includes the processing of special categories of personal data (if collected, e.g. information on health status, such as previous illnesses, ethnic origin or biometric or genetic data) for the aforementioned purposes. In particular, information about previous illnesses or other personal circumstances may be processed in order to exclude health risks for me or other participants.

My consent and the provision of data is voluntary. I am aware that I cannot be included in the subject database without providing my master data and contact details. I am also aware that some data is required for the selection of suitable study participants and that I may therefore not be considered for selection and invited to participate in a study if I do not provide this data. I am not obliged to participate in a study to which I am invited.

I can revoke my declaration of consent at any time with effect for the future. The revocation in text form is to be sent to: fka GmbH, Steinbachstraße 7, 52074 Aachen, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In the event of revocation, my data will be deleted with effect for the future. The lawfulness of the processing of my personal data until my revocation remains unaffected by this.

In principle, my data will be stored in the subject database for a revocable period of 10 years after my last participation in a study. If my data is no longer up to date and fka can no longer contact me using the contact details provided, my data will be deleted immediately without waiting for the 10-year storage period.



You must accept the declaration of consent to continue.

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Your Contact

[Foto: Lena Jager]

Lena Jager M.Sc.
Department Marketing

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telefon: +49 241 8861 179

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +49 241 8861 179

About fka

fka has been internationally recognized as an innovative development service provider for the mobility industry for over 40 years. Driving the world forward by developing ideas and creating innovations is the mission statement of fka's 160-strong team.

The team around Managing Director Jens Kotte is driven by a passion for efficient, safe and fast mobility. As one of the first companies on the Aachen campus, the spin-off from the Institute of Automotive Engineering at RWTH Aachen University demonstrated foresight early on. Interdisciplinary competence in the field of mobility and technological visions, combined with the advantages of the inspiring creative standpoint, are the fuel of fka. Ideas, innovations and unique methods and expertise are shaped into well-founded and secure solutions that give fka's customers the necessary edge in a wide range of issues.

A complete spectrum of services, ranging from consulting and conception, simulation and design to prototype construction and experimental testing, forms the basis for this.

With the motto "creating ideas & driving innovations", the team already has the mobility of the future in mind.