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Vehicle Inertia Measurement Machine (VIMM)

An exact knowledge of the inertia parameters of a vehicle – like position and height of the center of gravity and the principal mass moments of inertia – are essential in many areas of automotive development and research. Examples are benchmarking activities or data collection for the implementation of valid vehicle simulation models.

fka offers a longstanding expertise in identification of the vehicle inertia parameters using the Vehicle Inertia Measurement Machine (VIMM) – a test bench for high-precision identification of vehicle inertia parameters. The VIMM consists of a spherically mounted platform actuated by three hydraulic cylinders. To identify its inertia parameters a vehicle is mounted on the platform. Within a specific test procedure which includes stationary and dynamic measurements relevant data is recorded and analyzed in a standardized post-process to determine parameters like position and height of the vehicles center of gravity as well as the principal mass moments of inertia for pitch, roll and yaw motion.

VIMM – technical information

Test bench features:

  • Vehicle body rigidly fixed to the swivable measurement platform to prevent relative body motion
  • Controlled spherical motion of the test-bench platform with three hydraulic cylinders
    - Max. stationary platform angle (spherical): ±20°
    - Max. dynamic platform angle (spherical): ±5°
    (at 0.6 Hz excitation frequency)
  • Recording of the angular position & the forces acting on the test-bench platform

Identified vehicle parameters:

  • Vehicle mass
  • Position & height of the center of gravity (CoG)
  • Principal mass moments of inertia (for pitch, roll and yaw)

Vehicle limitations:

  • Max. vehicle mass: 2,700 kg
  • Max. vehicle track width: 2,500 mm
  • Max. vehicle wheel base 3,000 mm
  • Special measurement configurations with vehicles beyond the stated limitations are upon request

Our services

Measurement preparations:

  • Vehicle conditioning (e. g. loading with passenger dummies or dummy payload)
  • Design & manufacturing of vehicle specific fixation adapters (if necessary)
  • Test bench preparation

Performance of VIMM-measurements

  • Measurement of test vehicles in different load configurations
  • Stationary measurements for CoG identification
  • Dynamic measurements or identification of principal mass moments of inertia

Data and test evaluation:

  • Evaluation of test data
  • Determination of inertia parameters
  • Preparation of test documentation

Your testing demand

You are welcome to contact us for an individual solution for your demands in the field of CoG & inertia parameter identification.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Your contact

[Foto: Daniel Wegener]

Dr. Daniel Wegener
Head of Chassis & NVH

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telefon: +49 241 8861 187

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +49 241 8861 187

Gallery VIMM