Static Driving Simulator
Fields of application
- Driver behavior analysis
- HMI usability and acceptance studies
- Support in early decision phases for
Development of new assistance systems - Demonstration of not yet secured or incomplete Systems
Technical Data
- Different, interchangeable mock-ups (full-size & half-size)
- Freely programmable displays (Instrument Cluster & Center display)
- PC-supported 5.1 noise simulation
- I-Beam structure-borne sound transducer
- 3 channel front projection
- perspective split rear projection
- 220°x40° Field of View
- Use of real rearview mirror & mirror replacement system possible
- Separate test person rooms
- 16 years of experience
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Your contact
Prof. Dr. Adrian Zlocki
Head of Automated Driving
Telefon: +49 241 8861 219
Phone: +49 241 8861 219
Optional measurement technology
- Remote eye tracking system from Smarteye
- Tobii Pro Glasses for eye tracking