[Foto: Sound.AI]

Sonic Intelligence - The listening vehicle: A step into the future

The development of automated driving allows vehicles to see, think and act. It is a logical consequence that they should be able to hear. This is why fka experts from the fields of acoustics, electrics and electronics, strategy and consulting as well as automated driving, together with experts from ZF, have made the listening vehicle real in the framework of the project Sonic Intelligence. Within only three months, the sound hardware was developed, the test vehicle was completely assembled and the system was acoustically optimized.

Parallel to the technical development activities, consultants from fka's Strategy and Consulting division supported the development with established technology management methods. Through early involvement in the development process, relevant aspects of the market and competitive environment were identified and taken into account at an early stage.

The current system is capable of learning and enables updates. New functions can thus be integrated into the permanently installed system. In addition, a weatherproof sensor specific to this application has been developed and the system is able to detect and locate sounds within a 360° radius. It is the world's first integrated microphone for outdoor use on vehicles. The system detects the signals of an approaching siren from the police, fire brigade or rescue service and informs the driver from which direction the emergency vehicle is approaching. Depending on this, the driver receives a recommendation on the display, for example to approach on the right or - on motorways - to form a rescue lane.

Besides the detection of sirens, various other applications of the Sonic Intelligence technology are imaginable: Horns, reversing signal from a truck, tram signal, emergency call functions from outside, recognition of road characteristics, monitoring of vehicle characteristics as well as voice recognition and control.

Here you can find out more about the currently perceptible use cases on the test vehicle:

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[Foto: Thomas Keutgens]

Thomas Keutgens M.Sc.
Scientific Employee

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Telefon: +49 157 8566 2044

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Phone: +49 157 8566 2044

Sirene Detection

Perceiving or not perceiving important external noises can have a considerable influence on the driving style and thus become a safety risk.

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360° Sirene Detection

The listening vehicle not only detects the signals of an approaching siren, but can also locate it within a 360° radius.

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Voice Control

The listening vehicle can significantly contribute to the driver's comfort in everyday life. Speech recognition and control are crucial for this.

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