Vehicle Safety & VRU Protection

Passive vehicle safety is about occupant protection in various crash scenarios as well as the protection of vulnerable road users (VRU) such as pedestrians and cyclists. Our activities range from accident analyses as well as current and future requirements in legislation and consumer protection, crash simulations and crash tests to studies, e.g. on the impact of future developments in vehicle safety on the design of the body or the occupant restraint systems. The investigations are carried out both at vehicle level and at system as well as component level.

Evaluation of Accident Data & Assessment of Safety Measures
  • Identification of relevant accident scenarios
  • Derivation of vehicle safety & assessment requirements
  • Development of test protocols & assessment procedures
  • Combination of testing & simulation results
  • Integrated safety
Safety Requirements & Regulations
  • Legislation (vehicle & sub-systems)
  • Consumer ratings (test protocols, ratings & roadmaps)
  • Consideration of global vehicle markets (compilation of overviews)
Numerical Simulation & Optimization
  • Human Body Model (HBM) Application (THUMS, ...)
  • Vehicle crash load cases (legislation & consumer ratings)
  • Quasi-static tests (side door intrusion test, battery housings, …)
  • VRU protection (studies on accident kinematics & biomechanics, impactor simulations)
  • Vehicle / component design optimization
Full-scale & Component Testing
  • Vehicle crash tests (more information here)
  • Individual sled tests (new seating positions, pre-crash strategies, ...)
  • Drop tower tests (more information here)
  • Quasi-static tests (more information here)
  • Full-scale tests with moving VRU
  • Implementation of safety measures
  • Head impactor tests
  • Validation of simulation & material models
Future Developments in Vehicle Safety
  • User studies (e.g. new seating positions, occupant activities, …)
  • Future interior models / seating positions
  • Virtual design of occupant protection systems (omnidirectional occupant loading conditions in future scenarios, simulation of pre- & in-crash phase, consideration of pre-crash manoeuvres, sensitivity analysis of restraint system parameters, investigation of future protection principles)
  • Studies on impact of future requirements on vehicle design & safety systems

[Foto: VRU Schutz]

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Your contact

[Foto: Michael Hamacher]

Dr. Michael Hamacher
Lead Expert Vehicle Safety & Vulnerable Road User Protection

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telefon: +49 241 8861 260

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +49 241 8861 260