Trend analysis e-mobility - Technological and political consulting
Severe emission standards, CO2 limits and increasing requirements for transport efficiency are major challenges for the worldwide automotive industry.
In order to meet requirements, OEM and suppliers are relying on a wide spectrum of technologies for their vehicle fleet. Alternative drivetrains for hybrid, electric and fuel cell vehicles become increasingly important while suppliers take on more responsibility for complete systems and customized solutions.
These technological and structural challenges of course influence OEMs' and suppliers' product strategies. Current products might be at risk, but there are also great chances for new added values in the relevant markets.
Therefore, we analyze the trends concerning the electrification of drivetrains together with our customers and derive adapted company goals and technical measures with the help of customer specific market and technology surveys.
Based on our technical competences and scientific results we also advise Federal Ministries and are a consortium partner of ElektroMobilität NRW, which, on behalf of the government of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), is the key contact for an efficient and climate friendly future mobility in our home state.
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Your contact
Dipl.-Kfm. Ingo Olschewski
Head of Strategy & Consulting
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Telefon: +49 241 8861 160
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Phone: +49 241 8861 160
fka World of Research
Model-Based Systems Engineering
Introduction and implementation of the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach
We move away from the traditional document-based approach and instead rely on interconnected digital models. A system model serves as a shared platform for communication between all teams involved in development. It acts as a central source of information, ensuring that crucial data is always up to date and accessible.
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Strategy & Consulting | Dipl.-Kfm. Ingo Olschewski
Strategy Teaser
Exciting short studies on innovations and developments in the automotive industry by our experts from Strategy & Consulting.
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Continuous Bechmarking
VW ID.3 Benchmarking
fka & FEV Consulting launched the comprehensive benchmarking program.
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