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Neue Mobilitäts- und Fahrzeugkonzepte verändern bekannte Prozesse und Strukturen. Die Kraftfahrzeugindustrie befindet sich in einer dramatischen Umbruchphase. Mit regelmäßigen Wettbewerbsanalysen und Trendstudien liefern wir wichtige Grundlagen und Entscheidungshilfen für den Markt sowie für unsere eigene Forschungsarbeit. Hier können Sie Berichtsbände und Ergebnisse herunterladen.

ACEA - Study on the Roadworthiness Package

The transportation sector faces significant challenges, including the development of new technologies and addressing social and environmental concerns. Ensuring safety during this transition is crucial, with periodic technical inspections (PTI) playing a key role in minimizing technical errors and reducing traffic accidents and fatalities.

Key Points:

  • Objective:The EU aims to halve traffic deaths by 2030, following a missed target to halve deaths between 2010 and 2020.
  • Legislation: Member states were required to adopt and implement the RWP directives (2014/45/EU, 2014/46/EU, 2014/47/EU) by May 2018. The RWP includes both directives and a binding regulation (EU 2019/621).
  • Impact Assessment: The report assesses the impact of RWP in Sweden, Germany, Italy, and France. Technical errors account for a small fraction of accidents, with tyres, lighting, and brakes being common issues.
  • Data and Harmonization: The report highlights the need for better data practices and harmonization of PTI procedures. Advanced methods like electronic PTI (ePTI) are proposed for standardization.
  • Stakeholder Input: Input from member states and OEMs was gathered, though PTI inspection centers were not contacted.
  • Key Recommendations:
    1. Improve data practices, including more granular accident data and a centralized EU system for tracking RSI status.
    2. Enhance tyre testing with more precise equipment definitions and frequent checks.
    3. Consider making PTI a regulation to ensure harmonized implementation across the EU.

The report underscores the importance of harmonizing PTI data and procedures to improve road safety and reduce accidents.


Download Project Report "ACEA - Study on the Roadworthiness Package"

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