Fahrerassistenz & automatisches Fahren | Dr.-Ing. Adrian Zlocki

Evidence-Based Derivation of Basic Scenarios for Controlled-Access Highways

Evidence-Based Derivation of Basic Scenarios for Controlled-Access Highways

Symbolic image Concept for Statistically Representative Traffic ObservationsAutomated Driving | Dr.-Ing. Adrian Zlocki

Concept for Statistically Representative Traffic Observations

The goal of the BASt project “Concept for Statistically Representative Traffic Observations” is to develop a concept for the representative gathering of scenarios in traffic areas like federal highways as well as urban and rural areas.

[Image: Research vehicle]Driver Assistance & Automated Driving | Dr.-Ing. Adrian Zlocki

Test Vehicles: Bringing Driving Functions to the Road

Our test vehicle fleet contains a variety of passenger cars and trucks, which even enable us to also test and evaluate automated driving functions like Truck Platooning or driving in convoys.

[Image: Vehicle Learns to Hear]
Automated Driving | Dr.-Ing. Adrian Zlocki

Vehicle Learns to Hear

As a new sensor concept, fka has been researching the development of automotive-suitable sound sensors and functions based on them for over 2 years.

[Foto: Spraytruck]
Driver Assistance & Automated Driving | Dr.-Ing. Adrian Zlocki

Evaluating driver assistance sensors and functions with our spraytruck

Thanks to our extensive method knowledge and infrastructure, we are experts in evaluating and validating automated driving functions, and as well as driver assistance systems and their components.

[Teaserbild PEGASUS]Driver Assistance & Automated Driving | Dr.-Ing. Adrian Zlocki


The project defined a uniform procedure for testing and trialing automated vehicle systems in simulation, on test benches and under real conditions.

[Rendering: Automated Valet Parking]
Driver Assistance & Automated Driving | Dr.-Ing. Adrian Zlocki

Automated driving: Valet parking

Our automated valet parking system, which we developed together with our partner ika, allows the driver to leave his car in front of the car park and allocate a parking space with his smart phone.